Why doing yoga in nature reconnects you to your true nature
It’s funny isn’t it, how when we’re small we run and jump and skip and fall. Then somewhere between being little and growing tall our curiosity is replaced with the feeling we’re supposed to know it all.
As children we are naturally inquisitive about the world around us. We learn through interacting with our immediate environment in a way that is not restricted by rules made of minds.
Then at some point we think we have it figure out and we go and get jobs in an office. We allow ourselves to be boxed in. We become boxed in by our houses, our rooms, our windows, our doors, our cars, our workspaces and the type of thinking that prevents us from breaking free. We are shut in and so we shut down. There are boxes everywhere until we finally find ourselves in a box that we won’t find our way out of, buried deep in the ground. Life becomes a tale of containment instead of contentment.
“At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” ~ Alan Alda
The truth is, every now and again it pays to step outside of the box in order to step into ourselves.
As a traveller and a yogi I’ve experienced just how profound surrounding yourself with the organic shapes and the organic sounds of nature can be. Add yoga into the mix and it makes for a powerful cocktail of self discovery and delivers some much needed inner peace.
You see something magical happens when you stop for a second, connect your body with your breath and look upon vistas that stir your soul. The thoughts in your head silence and there is just enough room to let your heart speak. Somehow you become more sensitive to your surroundings and everything has this sparkling quality that makes you feel euphorically alive.
Doing yoga in nature helps connect you with your own true nature.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” ~ John Muir